Let me just say thank you so much, I have become addicted to this sight, and anything religious lately, There was a write up in todays local paper about my religion and I was walking by saw the article and had to stop and read.
also I am so very sorry for what your poor daughter is going through. Do you want to share that with us? What has caused her lungs to fail? How old is she?
My Daughter is 18 and has Primary Pulmonary Hypertension and is waiting a double lung transplant. Pulmonary Hypertension is an abnormally high blood pressure in the lungs. The small vessels that supply blood to the lungs constrict, making it harder for the blood to get to the lungs, thus causing the heart to work harder and enlarging. The Pulmoanry blood pressure is only to be 25% of what your normal blood pressure is. So her blood pressure runs about 100/50 this means the pressures from the heart to the lungs should be 25. Well the day she entered the hospital (July 31 2002 she was 14 at the time) Her pulmonary blood pressure was 175. They did not expect her to live through the night. ( they did not tell me this until they released her from the hospital 10 months later) She is a walking Miracle. At first they thought she was going to need both lungs and a heart because of her heart being so enlarged, Well they have determined that when she gets new lungs her heart will go back to normal size and her valves will stop leaking. They have also determined that she was born with a lung disease they have never seen before. They have had some well know Pulmonologist (sp?) look at her records and the lungs. They have no idea what could have caused her lungs to do what they have. I saw the pics of her lungs and all i can say is i though of snow white when she gets lost in the woods and she gets tangled on the roots of those trees, her lungs look like tangled roots to me and then there are areas the just end and look like fungus growing on them. With the Lung transplant she is given a life expectanacy to live 1 to 5 years after the transplant, or be longer could not live through the surgery. Only those that have had to deal with a sick child especially a mother that has carried that child for 9 months could even begin to know the pain i face daily. I go to bed at night and Say thank you God for giving me my daughter another day. I wake ups wondering if today is the say she gets transplant or worse.
She will graduate from high school on the 22 of May, I am so proud of her, she was able to keep up a 3.6 grad point average, deal with her illness and also deal with a very nasty divorce and custody battle. There are many things from this battle, and the fact that I am over protective that has led her to live with her dad the day she turned 18.
Some people may sit in judgement, and have their opinions that I should not even be dating let alone falling in love with a guy who is JW, You can only do so much for your children, They are center of my life. But until you have lived the HELL i have for the last 4 years with her illnesses and the divorce and the rejection , plus living miracliously on donations from family, friends and complete strangers and churches, because they put her in hospital 2 1/2 hours from where we live, and I had to take a year leave of absence, Was already seperated from husband, so no income, at all, I was able to keep 2 apartments one in Gainesville florida and one in Lakeland, pay the health insurance, make my car payment, buy her food because she would not eat the hospital food, plus feed my self and then, the miracle of a christmas card with 750.00 in it from a church that said this is not to pay bills with but to get your 5 children chrismtas presents. No on can sit in judgement of me. Even my ex can not completely understand, We all deal with things differently. ( he is in denial most of the time that she is as ill as she is.)
All I can say is that the Grace of God took care of me. I have been back to work since august of 2003, and I struggle so much more financially now than i did that full year. Rent keeps going up, Car blew up so had to get a new ( used one) and payments went up, then electricy and gas. In the custody battle we got shared custody and you can read a little about this in another post i did http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/112177/1959379/post.ashx#1959379 but neither parent pays child support and I get one week, he gets the next. I have taken on tutoring after school in the afternoons to just be able to feed my children when I have them every other week. So when I say comments like I know God sent this man in my life, I really do know he did. I may not understand the full aspects or to what extent he is to stay in my life.